"Agricoltural Research Magazine"
U.S. Department of Agriculture s science magazine published monthly by the Agricultural Research Service and now available electronically.
"ASHS - American Society for Horticultural Science"
promotes and encourages scientific research and education in horticulture within the United States and throughout the world. Event and publications listed.
"Bouquet of Fruits"
features the finest California Fresh Fruit, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Chocolates and Premium California Wines. Nutrition info & links, fruits availability chart.
"Brandt s Fruit Trees"
What s Growing On: news about fruits, trees & Agri-biz.
"California Kiwifruit Commission"
based in Sacramento, California, the commission represents all of the State s kiwifruit growers.
"CAS California Avocado Society"
provides Access to Cultural, Marketing, Research and Governmental Issues specially for Avocado Growers.
"Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems"
publications on cultivation, environmental studies and more; newsletters, sources, order form to print.
"Cornell Cooperative Extension"
the publications may be ordered from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science, Cornell University.
"CRFG California Rare Fruits Growers, Inc."
to purchase back issues and copies of CRFG publications make check payable to CRFG. The CRFG Book Service s prices are accorded to destination.
"Florida Agricultural Statistics Service"
publications on citrus, related and more.
"Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center"
in support of California fruit and nut crop extension.
"Fruit Gardener"
Bimonthly magazine that contains articles about fruits and vegetables.
"Fruits of Warm Climates"
description, origin, varieties, uses and more.
"Good Fruit Grower"
a nice publication from Yakima, Washington.
magazine of the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association.
"Horticulture Online"
articles from Horticulture magazine about flowers, plants, garden design, and more; online shop with a lot of gardening articles, plants, seeds, books, etc.
"NAFEX North American Fruit Explorers"
network of individuals throughout the United States and Canada devoted to the discovery, cultivation and appreciation of superior varieties of fruits and nuts.
"Ohio State Univeristy PlantFacts"
guides for answering plant-related questions from 46 different universities and government institutions in the United States and Canada. Research and Teaching informations.
"OSCES s Guide to Agricultural Web Sites"
this list of URLs offers Agriculture-Related Web Sites.
"University of Florida/IFAS EDIS"
official reference source for all current UF/IFAS reviewed and approved numbered publications, both electronic and print-only.