"ASHS - American Society for Horticultural Science"
promotes and encourages scientific research and education in horticulture within the United States and throughout the world. Event and publications listed.
"BCC Business Communications Company, Inc."
studies the major market, economic and technological developments that characterize industry to produce industry reports, newsletters and conferences.
"California Cling Peach Growers Advisory Board"
site includes facts, recipes, promotions foreign and domestic research and a list of processors and growers.
"Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science"
dedicated to increasing the application and understanding of the science and technology of fruit and vegetable production, storage, handling systems.
"Food Products Laboratory"
to providing the highest quality and most cost effective product testing services in partnership with the Food, Dairy and Agricultural industries.
"Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center"
in support of California fruit and nut crop extension.
"Northwest Berry and Grapes Information Network, Oregon State University"
database of grape and berry research progress reports, links to national and international databases of research reports, research centers, more.
"Pomology Department"
study of fruit and nut trees.
"Postharvest Produce Facts"
to improve the quality and value of horticultural crops available to the consumer by reducing post-harvest losses and improving marketing efficiency.
"Seeka Kiwifruit Industries"
one of New Zealand s largest kiwifruit harvest and post-harvest management companies.
"The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems"
to research, develop, and advance sustainable food and agricultural systems which are environmentally sound, socially responsible, economically viable.
"Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center"
the research and extension center of Washington State University dedicated to the tree fruit sciences.
"USDA-ARS Tree Fruit Research Laboratory"
to solve problems facing the U.S. tree fruit industry by conducting basic and applied research that is regional,
\nnational and international.
"USDA/AMS Fruit and Vegetable Programs"
provides economic research and data support, research and promotion programs, and more, to the Fruit and Vegetable Programs.
"Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission"
to promote research which benefit the planting, production, harvesting, handling, processing or shipment of tree fruit of this state.